Friday, January 11, 2013

I Am Anger

By Steve Wickham

I'm found lurking within pent-up hostility,
A product of frustration and impatience's fertility,
I come to all human beings it seems,
Even in the midst of sleep-bounded dreams.

I come upon you morning, day, and night,
And you can struggle with me despite what you know is right,
Such madness can be illogical - a comprehensive snare,
What you can't put past me is my tempestuous dare.

I am audacious and horribly sinister,
And it doesn't matter if you're a murderer or a minister,
I come to one and all in confounding ease,
I am Anger and I bring you to your knees.

Now, what brings out Anger's horrible effect?
It's the time when we've been duped and lost self-respect,
Despite the commonality we've only ourselves to blame,
For struggling against struggle in Anger's name.

Though I am Anger and I can be subdued,
It takes the restraint of wisdom so experiences are not rued,
Just the ability to see the potential consequences is needed,
If only we can see these and ensure they are heeded.

I am Anger and I'm cause for regret,
Because of the myriad needs that are left unmet,
But when we are aware and honestly humble,
There is no need for our psyches to rumble.

I am Anger and I'm to be restrained,
That is if you don't want to be horrendously maimed,
For, I can turn on you in an instant, just wait and see,
Why would you doubt me when I take away what's free?

I am your Anger and please do not doubt,
I am but a flash away, and I come with a clout!
I am to be respected - in humility's best,
Only truly then can you genuinely rest.

Inwardly and outwardly I need you to be,
Without cause for want of an uncontrolled spree,
I tell you that I, Anger, have come now, it's said,
One hasty move and your reputation's found dead.

I am Anger and I'm so normal to life,
A life unrestrained that might cause unmerited strife,
But when you're patient I will cause you to grow,
That's because peace beyond reason you may know.

I am Anger and I'm here to say,
When you're aware of me, surely, I'll not ruin your day,
Because options aplenty do exist beyond me,
If only you'll ensure the option chosen sets you free.


I am Anger and the choice, always, is yours,
Your response is one that either opens or closes doors,
Be aware, then, what it is you control,
And don't be fooled to not know your role.

� 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

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